...Being mean and/or useful with FEAR.Is there any other way really? Carnos posts on Warlock's Den with a really intersting strategy to attack the other faction, without actually attacking this person. Go check out the post
Basically to summarize this particularly good strategy for being mean to the opposing faction on PvE servers, you find an opposing faction player in an area that is densely populated with mobs grinding away on a single target. Just step in, fear that target, and run. If you're lucky, the feared mob wanders off into a group of other mobs of the same type, aggros them all back to our opp. faction friend and presto! Insta-death for your good buddy. As long as you've cleared the combat radius, you should be safe from the resulting aggro from the feared mob. Just make sure you're far enough away.
An interesting way to add a pvp element to PvE without actually flagging yourself. It makes me think about what some of the further applications of fear on PvE servers are.
Fear as save my tail!Obviously, we can use fear to control a single mob that has started hacking us to bits. As an Afflic. lock with instant cast Howl of Terror, I can get an offending mob off of me pretty quickly. (Though be careful about using this if there are other mobs nearby as you'll pull them into combat when the fear breaks).
Here's a scenario: You're minion dies, so you have aggro now. You wish you didn't, and would really like to get that mob off of you and summon another demon. Howl of Terror or if the cooldown is up, Death Coil your mob away from you. (if this is a safe idea, obviously. Whenever you are fearing, you need to be really careful of the additional adds you might pull). Then slap down your regular old fear while the mob is fleeing. (You might throw in a Siphon Life right before this just to keep rebuilding your health). Then, as soon as you re-fear the mob, start your summon. Hopefully, you'll be almost done with the summon when the fear breaks and the mob will be far enough away that your minion can pop out and grab agro back since you've done minimal damage in the mean time. Lay off for a couple of seconds of throwing on the DOTs and you'll be sitting off in the distance, Dotting and Direct Damaging your safe, cloth-wearing heart out.
If you are demo spec, your Fel Domination ability probably makes the second fear unnecessary, as long as your cooldown is up. Either way, this can be a really effective strategy for keeping that damage off or yourself in your time of need.
Fear as Kite!So you need to attack two mobs, huh? Sweet... use fear! Here's a good soloing strategy for the two mob task. Send your minion into the frey and let it grab aggro for both mobs. Drop fear on the one that your minion is not focused on, (otherwise they'll go chasing after it, which wouldn't be too good for your staying within range, etc). As soon as the 2nd mob is feared, drop your DOTs on mob number 1. Tap up, drain your life back, whatever your normal strategy of tanking down a single mob is, do it - but keep an eye on your feared mob.
If you don't have something like DOTimer, and you are a lock, you really should get it so that you can stay aware of what the exact times remaining on all your DOTs are on all the mobs you cast them on. Go get it!As the fear gets ready to break on mob 2, re-fear if you aren't about to finish off your first target. If you are finding that your fears get resisted by the mobs you are fighting, drop a Curse Of Shadows on the mob to be feared first so that it has a better chance of sticking.
You can ramp this strategy up by putting multiple mobs in the air with fear to take on groups of three or more as well. If you've got a big open space, you can pull a group yourself, so that you have aggro, and then send your minion after one of the mobs. Drop CoS on the mobs as they approach and once they are by you and out of the range of your minion, Howl of Terror those mobs away. Quickly target the fleeing mobs and re-fear. As soon as all mobs are feared, throw up as many DOTs on your minions target as you can so that you can keep the DPS up and get the minion back so that it can help you as the fears break. As each mob goes down, let your minion take up another one and re-fear the remaining mobs.
It should also be noted that if you've spent the point to get Curse of Exhaustion, it can be good to throw that on feared mobs as then they won't go quite as far and you can manage them a little bit better, and have less chance of pulling a group of friends that feel like helping your feared mobs.
One final comment about a fear gone awry. If your feared target is about to go visit a bunch of friends, call him back by throwing down a curse of recklessness. This will bring the mob back to you. Put a different curse on it and if the fear is still active, it'll refear. I'd suggest switching between CoS and CoR and re-fearing as you need to and you can keep a mob within your control for a long time.
Scary, isn't it?