It seems as though in 2.4, Blizz is going to continue their trend of opening up access to raid content by weakening the attunement process for Kara. In patches previous, when Blizz opened SSC and TK to guilds without needing to attune, I wonder why it was that the barrier was still in place for the intro level raid. It always seemed to me that if you want to make it so that more people can raid, then you need to let them in the door in the first place.
Lot's of comments about this are flying in WoWinsider land, and sure there are some people who say, "Well, the quests weren't hard in the first place... so why bother removing them. They make it so that you have at least run some 5-man's before you are allowed to set foot in Kara, which is a good thing to protect you from bad groups." There doesn't really seem to be a need for this concern in my opinion. I doubt most people are going to LFG PUG a Kara run, so you are going to be running this with at least a core of people you know, (even if you have to pull in a couple people to fill slots). People "QQed" about heroic requirements lessening to honored instead of exalted, though I'd imagine most are not PUGing heroics without at least a friend or two along for the ride.
For the casual player/guild like me and my guildies, this is a great thing. We have been growing our guild mainly by bringing new players to the game. This means a lot of fresh 70's who we are excited to have and who will want to experience content with us. There is a core group of us that are appropriately geared for Heroics/Kara, but then a number of the newies aren't there yet. This gives us more incentive to gear up these new players so that we could at least try to see some of the raid content in a casual way.
Allowing people to access Kara is a great way to be sure that players are more likely to see some of the end game TBC content before WotLK hits... and I'm excited!
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