Of course, she'll be a max level mage with really crappy gear, no attunements, hardly any honor points to buy sweet S1 arena gear, and all in all, might kind of suck in comparison to the greatness of my warlock. But this is as it should be, since after all, how much more /played has he gotten from me... I don't even really want to think about that.

So, as I look at my experience bar and see that it only has less than a bar to go to ding, it makes me think about that obesession as you are close to the end of achieving something. It's like when you are in an instance and wipe on the last boss, but you come back to try it again and again because you know, even though it's late, you are almost finished. It's also the same obsession that will probably keep me playing this entire weekend, to a level that I will be ashamed of in hindsight, just to kit that magical completist number... 70
Two endgame characters and a sleepless weekend, here I come.
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