Thursday, February 7, 2008

The PUG who lived!

Without even the event of a lightening scar. I got online yesterday afternoon after winter weather sent all of us home early so I figured I'd get in a little extra playtime. A few of the guildies were on but they were all getting off soon, so, here I was... logged in with Nar faced with a couple of choices.

(1) Battlegrounds. Eventually I want to get Nar in a 2v2 frost mage arena team with my buddy Loing, so I'll need to epic her out and honor grind seems a good way to me. So, I should probably get started with that.
(2) Farming motes of... everything. Stupid tailoring.
(3) PUG an instance? Really?

At this point, most of the other members in my guild would have disowned me if they had known I had considered doing a PUG. Okay, disown is too strong. Pitty me and wonder why I was so dumb might be more accurate. There is a heavy bias in our guild against PUGs for all the reasons that you would expect. However, when you see a tell like this, how can you resist when you are a mage:

"LF3M Sethekk Halls. Have tank and healer, need DPS and CC."

HOLY CRAP! That's me! And they have a tank! And a healer! How could I not do it. So I /who-ed them. They were level 69 and 70... I think. Okay why not.

"I'll come along. I'm 70-freezy mage."

Brrrrrrump - INVITE.

So, now the tells going out are:

"LF2M Sethekk Halls. Have tank, healer and dps/cc. Come and show Sethekk what you're made of."
"Come on, you know you want to!"

2 more join and here was our party:

Prot Warrior
Holy Pally
Elem Shammy (DPS)
Shadow Priest
and me as Freezy Mage

And the moral of the story is, with good marking and players who are on top of their class, you can totally pwn an instance in a PUG. I was shocked. I immediately clarified loot rules and asked who was marking to show I cared and the pally said, "Why don't you do it." So I did. We marked fast, we took down the trash with little problem. We only had one player die... though he did die twice. =) No wipes, mowed through the bosses and it really was an outstanding run. The magey pants [incanter's trousers] (link to be added later, when not behind firewall) dropped, but of course I already had them. We also got a hunter something... that's too bad. Got a few spirit shards though, so that's always a plus. I've got my eyes set on the minor run speed increase meta at allerian. (for when I have a head slot item with a meta that is).

So, hooray good PUG. I returned to guild chat proclaiming this news and was quickly met with a wave of "No way?!?! Gratz!" It was like I just got a rare pattern drop in Blade's Edge... and in some ways, probably about as likely.

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