The first few battlegrounds have been a great learning environment. Let's talk about the things I've learned, shall we?
1) I still hate rogues. Why is it that rogues have the ability to complete destroy you in about 1/2 a hit? OMG, QQ, Rogues are wtf so OP! However, I love PvEing with them. My good friend Sat has his little 70 rogue geared out with the gladiator fist weapons which equals total win in terms of damage output. We did a four man of Setthek and he beat me in damage by 100,000. I was next highest... That is wrong! Just wrong!
2) Frost Nova + Blink = Win. Wow... this is really handy in buying me extra time to die. I totally piss off my opponents by making them come chase me just a little further before they get their easy HK. However, when there actually is someone healing in a BG, I have occasionally lived and unleashed massive amounts of... okay, a little bit of damage from a far. Might as well be honest there.
3) Either people on Cyclone, horde side, are not stacking resil, or it is still possible to crit against player opponents. Granted, I see my crit totals dramatically reduced... (see function of resil), but I do crit more often than I thought I might. So, that's handy.
4) Alliance can win battlegrounds, I just may not help them do so. Several great victories in EOTS and I left a suprised panda. (Similar to happy and sad pandas... pandas, after all, can feel more complex emotions). Turns out that a little bit of coordination such as: "If you are getting killed, tell people", and my favorite, "WTF you stupid n00b, don't cap flags... TOwers, Towers towers!!! OMG!!! WTF?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" really helped us pull ahead.
5) Even though nar is definitely not well geared, I am better than: "OMG, WTF is up with stupid n00bs who come into BGs with one s1 piece and weak greens... Not even quest blues?!?! L2play!" Yay... I am so not n00b.
Stay tuned for my next PvP post where we learn how playing a mage in pvp is different than playing a warlock. See you then.
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