So, with all that said, and with some PvP epics under my belt with my lock, my mage dings 70 and finds that time of "no one on to do a run with" and "not really desiring to do dailies, farm motes, or farm netherweave." So I decide: "Okay... PvP time with nar."
Were you aware that mages are different from warlocks? They are... and as such, you discover their differences as you PvP. Let's look at some of my observations, having now played both a mage and a lock in PvP.
1) No matter how much you want it to, hitting your keybind for lifetap while on your mage will not restore mana, and in my case will instead ice lance your targeted opponent. These are distinctly different functions, and should be remembered as such. In fact, just as ice lance refuses to restore mana to you, so does every spell on your action bar. You may continue to look for which button will tap away some of your health and return it as mana, but none of them will. The closest I have found is blink: in that it takes away a large portion of mana and moves you the same distance on the ground.
2) When healers are not present, you are no longer the first to be targeted. Feel free to use this time to run around, or cap flags, or mount and dismount, or dance with opposing team members. As a lock, people see you and think... "Kill that kitten hater!" And then they do... With a mage they think... "What are you going to do, blink me to death? Is a lock hiding behind you?"
3) Sheeping people really pisses them off. So, I thought fear was annoying. (and in interest of full and complete disclosure, it should be noted that fear, is in fact, annoying) But how annoying must it be as a horde undead priest, a symbol of death and decay, ugliness and evil power, to be turned in to a white, fleecy sheep? That really pisses off the hordies, causing them to forget about the previous observation and target you without ceasing.
4) If you sheep someone who has a pet... their pet is not sheeped. Hmmm... Fighting hunters sucks. All those shots that silence you, or sting you and tick away your mana, or scatter you around while their raptor gnaws on your bracers. Boo, PvP hunters.
5) When you are a warlock and you stop attacking someone, your DoTs continue to damage to them, and they continue to die. When you are a mage and you stop attacking someone, you have no DoTs and so they stop dying. This is a significant adjustment as you realize that you actually have to attack people to kill them.
6) You cannot CC someone and hurt them at the same time. While as a lock you can fear someone and let your DoTs tick them down... as a mage if you attack someone while they are fleecy, they cease to be fleecy, and are mad that they were.
7) As a freezy mage, you too have a pet, but your pet only lasts 45 seconds and you forget to summon it... constantly. As a lock, you have a pet, and your pet also only lasts 45 seconds... but that's because people kill it.
8) As a lock, you don't have to worry about going OOM because you can always tap up to refill your mana bar. As a mage, you also don't have to worry about going OOM because you will be dead before you run out of mana.
9) Ice block is really helpful, as stated in the previous post at delaying the inevitable. If you are lucky, people will realize they temporarily cannot hurt you and so will go kill someone else in the meantime, finishing up just in time to come back and kill you after your ice block breaks.
10) Running in and Howl of Terroring as a lock = Running in and Frost Nova-ing as a mage. Except that howl of terror actually keeps them from attacking and almost certainly forces them to use their trinket, whereas frost nova just slows them down for a moment, may or may not make them use their trinket and alerts them to the fact that there is an easy HK next to them. Not only that, if you run in and freeze, you are now in the middle of a whole bunch of baddies who can't move. Guess who they attack.
11) Not giving out healthstones = completely okay. Not creating a mage table = completely not okay. Excuse of, "But I don't have it yet" doesn't seem to be satisfactory.
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